Sunday, July 10, 2011

Itulah Cerita Saya

9 July 2011, is the best day in my life.. I'm going out with two of my bestfriends.. At the beginning, we only wanna buy a KTM's ticket for atikah, one of my BFF.. but, after we seen a ferry, we decided to go Pulau just wanna been in a ferry..hehe.. Along the journey to Pulau, we took a picture for a prove of love moments.. For the first time, I took picture with a girl that I admire her..Her name is________. I felt very lucky and happy..(^-^) Then, after we arived there, I bought 'buah pala kering' and 'jeruk salak' for my mom...then, we walk around at the jetty and wanna go to Komtar Tower by walking... Unfortunately, we getting tired at the middle of the road.. haha.. So, we stop at Kasim Mustafa Restaurant for a lunch.. You know what, at Kasim Mustafa Restaurant, we ate Nasi Kandar.. I don't that the price too expensive! OMG! I ate nasi with chicken curry and papadom, and the price is RM10.10! What a shock! Nak taknak, I have to eat that lunch... huhu... After break about 30 minutes, we go back to Seberang because we wanna karouke! YEAH! At jetty Seberang, we did our pray first then took a bus that go to Bandar Sunway.. At the bus,_______ asked me to do some Liquid Dance in the bus.. as her request, I do it.. Atikah recorded my dance, but both of them, tak tahan gelak sampai ter delete video tadi! What a sad! Huhu.. We translate to Malay.. lepas kitowg dah smpai dekat tmpat karoke 2, kitowg nmpak Restoran Kasim Mustafa tu lagi! sbb tmpat karoke 2 ats restoran 2... huhu.. kitowg pown naik r... mmg tak rmai org time 2... Aku nyanyi 3 lagu dan _______ nyanyi 4 lagu... Atikah cme jd back up singer jew..haha... lepas dah nyanyi, kitowg xpuas nyanyi aw... kitowg tmbh la lg 2 lagu.. 1 lagu tarik2, 1 lagi lagu dangdut...hehehe... ntah mcm mnew lagu dangdut leh jd lagu rap plak! Atoiyai! Apa pun kitowg ttap enjoy..YEAH! Lepas dah abis nyanyi, kitowg pi solat asar kat Sunway.. Ingat nak balik lepas abis solat, tbe2 atikah kata nk balik lepas solat maghrib... So, kitowg pown jlan2 la kat dalam sunway 2...tbe2 ak ternmpak mesin penimbang berat dan pengukur tnggi..ak pown try r.. ak pnye tinggi 159.5 cm, berat ak lak, 54.5 kg cm2 la..._______ pnye tinggi lak, 166 cm, dan berat 60 kg...atikah punya tinggi 167 cm, berat ak tak ingat..sory ye atikah...pas2, time jlan2, tbe2 spek ak patah...ak pi la Giant ngan Angels ak..Erm, kitowg adew wat trademark spnjang pjlnan...Ak Charlie, Diowg Angels... hehehe... Masa ak nk p bli gam, ak sjew la swuh Angels ak pilih kn ak mnyak wangi sbb ak xdew mnyak wangi.. pas2,_______ skew mnyak wangi jenama Playboy.. Atikah pown skew bau mnyak wangi 2 sbb bau dia lmbut... ak pown beli la sbb _______ skew mnyak wangi 2.. then, ak pown crik tmpat dduk sbb nk repair spek ak.. ntah mcm mnew leh tumpah lak kt jari ak.. gam gajah lak 2! jari atikah terkena sket.. apa dh malang... pas2, kitowg ingat nk bli smthing yg leh jd trademark kitowg... kitowg p sume kdai, 1 pown xdew yg sesuai.. dh pnat, kitowg p la solat maghrib... Then, kitowg smbung ronda... ronda, ronda, ronda, ktowg msuk la kedai Mini Toons...  belek, belek, belek, kitowg pown bli, iaitu keychain bntuk topi, kaler coklat, gambar bear, yg leh jd pensel cap... i2 pown jd la..haha.. dh penat, kitowg pown kuar dari sunway... tension dgn mnunggu bas yg tak sampai2, kitowg kol r 'pakcik sapu'.. akhirnya kitowg slmat smpai kt UiTM...Itulah Cerita Saya dan merupakan pengalaman paling manis dan akan saya ingat sampai bila-bila.. Insyallah... Sekian daripada saya, adios... Enjoy Life!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Ai.. dh lme rasanya ak x tulis blog... bkn apa, ak ni mane adew laptop.. nak online pun kena p cc.. law x mmg xdpt r...erm, with translate to english ok? cuz I wanna practice my grammar n vocab.. yeah..haha (doesn't funny..) actually, there is smthing I wanna share with u guys.. I'm interest with a girl that her face like someone that I had fell in love before.. haha.. It sounds like, EIYUU! yeah, but its real.. haha..orait, at the same time, I getting closer wit her.. going out together, eat together, study together.. its kinda sweet ryte?? DAA... and one day, she asked me to described about her.. yeah, at my BEL class, my lecturer give a task about describing someone.. So, what can I described about her is first, she is unpredictable! she's totally different than I expected.. haha.. like fadhil's trademark, WOW! Fadhil is one of my friends.. Ok then, she is sweet.. her face looks sweet especially her eyes.. like a shining star.. haha.. And, she is a caring person.. she can became a mother when her friend do something bad or get a fever or flu or sick... She also a funny person that full with trademark... Thats why I like her.. When I talk to her, she like to smile and always cheerful! (^-^) She just a simple and humble person.. She's one of the kind.. Her eyes, her lips, her smiles are adorable.. Did I too excited with her?? haha.. DAA... That is so many thing that make her special that I cannot describe.. I actually at the first stage, that is admire her.. the second stage is like her and the final stage is fall in love with her.. Can I fall in love with her?? I think not.. She is too kind.. vice versa with me.. Its like fall in love with an angel.. that is imposible.. sometimes, the hard thing can be easy right? I wanna change the 'imposible' to 'posible'.. so that I have a spirit to achieve what I want... hahaha..(evil laugh) So, that's all for today... I know you didn't read at, yeah... adios...Enjoy Life!